Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Case of the Missing Table

Yesterday was one of those rough days where it’s totally acceptable to go home and pout for an hour to recover.  I mean, when the phrase “and the cockroach was the highlight,” comes out of your mouth, it's a pretty safe bet that you don't want to sit through the rest.  But (apparently) one of the biggest issues from yesterday was: the missing table.

First, you’ll need some background.  Last Thursday, before the long weekend (we had off Friday instead of President’s Day), we had a substitute teacher in for my mentor teacher.  So when we were ready to leave for the day a custodian came and locked the door for us since neither of us get keys, and everything was present and accounted for in the room.  This includes a long table in front of the white board that holds a (broken) stereo and some tape recorders.  I've never seen anyone actively use this table, save for the one time I put my computer on it during a lesson.  I'm pretty sure we all just forget it's there.

So imagine my confusion when I walk yesterday morning and the first thing my mentor teacher says to me is, “Hi, where is my table?”

It was a Monday morning, I was tired from not sleeping well the night before, and hadn’t had an ounce of caffeine yet, so not only had I walked past that section of the room without even noticing the table was gone, but it took me a good thirty seconds to realize she was accusing me of taking her table out of the room.

You might be thinking hey, accuse is a little harsh, it sounds like she was just asking!  But then she asked me twice more, even after I explained to her several times that everything had been in the room when I left on Thursday and I had no idea where her table was.  She told me that she wanted to yell at me when she first came in, and was waiting and waiting for me to walk in so she could jump on me about it.

We then proceeded to wonder and lament about the missing table.  All.  Day.  After school, she hunted down the custodian and left almost an hour later than she had planned because she was trying to track it down.

My question was, what’s the big deal?  Yeah, it’s weird that it’s gone and rude that someone would just take it.  But was it really that pressing?  It’s not like it had much of a purpose, I’ve never seen her actually use it.  We had students yelling over each other, kids not doing projects or turning in homework, and no functioning Internet, but by George we were going to find that table!

And in case you’re wondering (because let’s be honest, I know you’re all just dying of curiosity), it is now Tuesday and there’s still no table.

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