Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What do you mean there's no water?!

Since between classes and teaching this semester is absolute madness, it's the simple things that really make a difference: getting a chance to paint my nails, a movie night with friends, my favorite food in the dining hall to name a few.  But there's one that should have been at the top of the list: a hot shower.  You see, a hot shower is one of those things that I always enjoyed, but never realized how much I loved them until they were unceremoniously stolen from me.

It all started Sunday, when my roommate left to shower, only to come back 30 seconds later and inform me that I might want to reevaluate whether or not I needed a shower since there was no hot water.  I was going to hear a band at a restaurant later, so I decided that I could suck it up and take a cold shower for a day.  After the coldest (and fastest) shower ever, I hoped it would never happen again and put the incident out of my mind.

The next day, I got in the shower to discover that the water was taking a ridiculously long time to warm up.  After 5 minutes of standing there and waiting for the water to go past barely tepid to some semblance of warm, I realized that that was as hot as my water was planning to get.  After another short shower (and a whole lot of angry cursing) I discovered that almost lukewarm showers are significantly worse than ice cold ones, which is not something you'd expect.  But trust me, they are.

On to yesterday morning, which was Tuesday.  I got up for teaching as usual at 5:15 to go shower, crossing my fingers and praying that I'd be able to take a hot shower.  But alas, still ice cold.  It seems even lukewarm was too much of a trial for the water heater at this point.  I then stomped back to my room, announced to my roommate that there was no point in showering (she and I get up to teach at the same time, I swear I'm not a bad roommate who wakes up the other at 5 in the morning) and that she might as well not get up.  This just showed my frustration, since I'm one of those people who hates going to breakfast on the weekend without showering, let alone teaching.

Finally last night I'd had enough.  For the 3rd time I bugged my RA with no luck (she had about as much information as I did, which was practically nothing).  But later, around 10:30, she knocked on the door and asked if I had planned to shower that night, to which I said "no, usually the morning."

"Okay good, because there's no water in the showers and I don't know when we're getting it back."

My annoyance peaked at that moment.  I very politely asked her if she had any clue if it was something that'd be fixed by morning, or if I should go find somewhere else to shower because so help me God I was not going another day without a shower.  As you probably guessed, I ended up calling friends in another dorm and asking to stash my things in their room while I showered in their building.

And to end this ridiculously long and tedious story, I tell you that it is now 12:43 pm on Wednesday, and there's still no hot water.

 We do, however, at least have actual water now which I guess is a step in the right direction...

EDIT: It is now 4:25 pm on Wednesday and I've been informed that the water is back to working the way it should.  Step 1: Fix water - check.  Step 2: Make sure it stays working - fingers crossed.

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