Saturday, March 17, 2012

It's St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Due to the fact that I am still in college, I get to make observations and opinions based not just on teaching, but on college life too!  And what I learned today is that you can tell some students' priorities just based on the way they react to holidays.

For example, we take today, St. Patrick's Day.  A holiday that is commonly associated with drinking a lot.  So it's a no brainer that it'd be a big deal on college campuses, right?

Correct.  I always notice that whenever there's a holiday, a cause (wear red for drug free week for example), or anything else where everyone is encouraged to wear the same color on a certain day, there's always about half the population that participates while the other does not.  But this morning while eating in the dining hall, I saw a total of maybe 5 people who didn't have green on.  Even people who you could tell rolled out of bed and went to breakfast already had their green on or were insisting to friends that the green lettering on their shirt of a different color totally counts.  This is one of those days where almost anyone will call someone else out on not wearing the approved color, regardless of whether they know each other or not!

What I got out of this whole scenario is that it just goes to show, theme a day around drinking and you'll get twice as much college student participation!

(Disclaimer: I am in no way trying to prove or state that all college students to is get drunk and party; I myself am on a dry campus and have friends that don't drink or rarely go out.  I'm just poking fun at the situation, I promise!)

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