Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Music to my ears!

I started my unit yesterday, which means that for the next two weeks of school (thank goodness I get their spring break as a breather in between) I'm teaching the first three periods of the day, every day, with lessons and a unit I planned.  I love it, but it is a little stressful since I feel like I'm not putting as much into the planning and execution as I should be (thank you whoever decided a full class load and this field experience was a good idea).  I'm always wondering if I timed things correctly, if I planned enough, and second guessing my activities.

But today, while they were playing Memory with new vocab, I got to hear one of a teacher's favorite phrases out of a student: "I'm learning so much!"

Now I have to say, that my pessimistic side reared it's ugly head when I first heard it (since he'd said it rather loudly when I was on the other side of the room, which generally indicates sarcasm.  Especially out of this boy).  So I walked over and joked, "Oh, I hope you weren't being sarcastic!"  to which he responded, "No I mean it!"  He then went on to explain to me that every time he didn't know a word he had to look it up on his list, and that made him remember it.

"See, I didn't know festejar, so I looked it up, and now I know it means to celebrate!"

Of course he forgot the meaning of the word 15 minutes later when he read it in the textbook, but I'll still take it!  Baby steps people, baby steps....

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