Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I can't believe it's over!

Yesterday marked my last day in my junior field experience, and it was definitely bittersweet.  All 3 periods had a party/chill day; they were allowed to bring in food and we watched the last two episodes of an online Spanish-speaking drama/educational video (Mi Vida Loca.  Look it, up it's fantastic!).  My co-op was using it as a party for me, and I have to say, I loved having a party thrown for me!  Even second period, the ones who seemed to like me the least as a class, got into it and brought in food.

First period really started the day off right, though.  When I arrived, my co-op and a few students were blowing up balloons.  I was then promptly kicked out of the room because one of the boys (Alejandro, you may remember him as the lotion boy from On a lighter note...) wanted it to be a surprise.  So I wandered off to the copy room/faculty room with strict orders not to come back until the bell.  After about 10 minutes of studying for an exam, the warning bell rang.  I figured that I should head back, but I didn't immediately walk in because I knew it was really important to them that I didn't walk in early.  So while I waited for the second bell one of my other boys, Nicolás, walked to the classroom.

First thing out of his mouth was a laugh and, "so did they kick you out of the room?"

I nodded as he walked in, before adding "find out if I can come in yet!"

After a few seconds he came back out and confirmed that I wasn't supposed to come in yet.  I could hear Alejandro directing people before I saw the door be pulled shut and the lights turned out.  He then opened the door, walked out, and said "Oh hello Señorita, are you here to teach us something today?"

I chuckled and played along, saying that yes I was there to teach them.  And when I walked in the whole class yelled sorpresa!, and two other boys jumped out from either side of the door (which really did startle me).  The had hung balloons on the chalkboard, there were streamers, and the whole back table had food. It was great!

I was really sad to see my time there come to the end.  I got lots of hugs and students making me promise to come visit, and my co-op got me a really great little bucket with Vitamin Water (to get me through finals), colored permanent markers (which I love), and a thank you card.

I'm so grateful that I got the opportunity to spend my semester at this high school with these people; as crazy as the students made me I'll really miss seeing them every day and my co-op was a huge asset.  I know that because of them I'll go far!

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