Hello again! After a really long absence, I'm busting open the blog once again! I haven't been posting because I've been on summer break, getting through my first semester of my senior year, etc etc. But as I was filling out my application to student teach, I realized that I'm going to have more teacher education stuff to post about soon! So I thought I'd start with a little overview of what my next semester of student teaching (like, the real deal student teaching; not just a field experience!).
As you may or may not know, I go to school in a small town in Ohio, and always assumed that I'd be doing my student teaching in one of the schools around here. But then I got a phone call from the man in charge of student teaching placements, asking me to please consider a different student teaching program they offer here at the university. And long story short, after a lot of debate, I will be student teaching in (drumroll please)...
Florida! I'll be teaching in the town that Disney built, and I couldn't be more excited! I'm still doing paperwork and figuring out logistics so nothing is set in stone (other than the fact that I'm going!), but I'm in the process of making it happen!
I'll update with information as I have it, although as of now all I know is the town name and whose couch I'm crashing on as school before I leave for Florida. But hey, it's a start!